New penalties to target ‘most serious speeding offenders’

12.00 | 24 April 2017 | | 6 comments

Motorists who drive at speeds ‘excessively above legal limits’ in England and Wales will from today (24 April) be punished with new higher penalties.

First announced by the Sentencing Council in January, the new fines for the ‘most serious offences’ will start at 150% of weekly income, rather than the existing level of 100%.

The ‘Band C’ fines – which can be accompanied with a seven to 56 day ban or six points on the licence – will, for example, apply to those caught doing more than 41mph on a 20mph road, 51mph in a 30mph limit or 101mph on a motorway.

However, the maximum fine (£1,000) allowed by law remain the same, unless the offence takes place on a motorway, in which case the maximum fine is £2,500.

The move has been welcomed by a host of stakeholders including Road Safety GB, the RAC, Brake and the AA whose president Edmund King told BBC News that it was right that ‘extreme offenders’ were punished ‘severely’.

The increased penalty follows a consultation by the Sentencing Council, in which respondents said that the previous guidelines did not ‘properly take into account the increase in potential harm that can result as speed above the speed limit increases’.

The Sentencing Council says it has increased the penalty to ensure there is ‘clear increase in fine level’ as the seriousness of offending increases.

Pete Williams, RAC road safety spokesman, said: “We welcome the change in sentencing guidelines for gross speeders. Anyone who breaks the limit excessively is a danger to every other road user and is unnecessarily putting lives at risk.

“Hopefully, hitting these offenders harder in the pocket will make them think twice before doing it again in the future.

“While greater sentences for excessive speeders are obviously a deterrent, the best deterrent of all is more effective enforcement.”

Gary Rae, campaigns director for Brake, added: “Toughening the fines and penalties for speeding is long overdue.  As a charity that offers a support service to families bereaved and injured in road crashes, we see every day the consequences of speeding on our roads. I hope that magistrates ensure the new sentences are consistently applied.”


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      That would be no problem. It would be seized and if all is in order with the lawful usage of the vehicle and it is owned by a third party then it would probably be given back to the rightful owner upon the payment of cost in its removal off the road if that was the case. If the vehicle was stolen then the vehicle would be handed back.

      However, should there be other offences or concerns come to light say permitting the use of said vehicle with no insurance then prosecutions should follow and guide lines previously drawn up as to the return of the vehicle.

      The main objectives of this policy is to act as a deterrent to law breakers and it apparently works quite well in some antipodean countries. Obviously not for theives that have stolen the vehicle or taken without consent.

      Bob Craven Lancs
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      Bob, just pondering on your suggestion of banning “there and then” versus the right for a driver to defend themselves in court against the alleged offence probably several months later?

      Pat, Wales
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      I look forward to the moment the police attempt to seize and force the sale of a vehicle that does not belong to the person it was seized from.

      David Weston
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      These fines are only for drivers who commit serious offences rather than your average just over the allowed limit ones. In general nothing is going to change the mindset of someone who wished to totally disregard the speed limits by such a margin. Punishment should also take into account other factors with regards to others safety and dangers, such as a motorway busy with traffic should be considered far worse an offence than one that is devoid of traffic. I believe that banning there and then would act as a deterrent as would confiscation of the vehicle involved and its sale or destruction. A bit draconian maybe but it is seen to work elsewhere.

      Bob Craven Lancs
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      I’ve always felt that it was the points and/or instant disqualification that is the deterrent to motoring offences, rather than the fine, which for some, may not make too much of a dent in their finances.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Except of course if you earn £52,000 per year or more in which case the increase in fine for non-motorway driving offences is zero (as you are already at the £1,000 cap). And there was I thinking new policy was tested for “equality” before being introduced…seems not.

      Pat, Wales
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