‘Named Rider’ campaign has positive impact

12.00 | 30 April 2012 | | 4 comments

The THINK! BIKER ‘Named Rider’ campaign has had a positive impact in terms of raising the profile of road safety, according to the campaign evaluation report.

The report summarises pre and post campaign research, carried out in the summer of 2011, to evaluate the second burst of the THINK BIKER ‘Named Rider’ campaign. The 2011 campaign was radio-led, whereas the initial the ‘Named Rider’ campaign in 2010 was TV-led.

Before the summer 2011 campaign, just 71% of adults and 77% of drivers could name a source where they had recently seen or heard something about road safety. After the campaign the figures rose to 76% of adults and 81% of drivers.

When asked to describe what they had seen 31% of adults and 32% of drivers said: ‘motorcyclist was named/personalised/gave details of their lives’. 17% (drivers) and 18% (adults) thought the campaign strapline was ‘THINK BIKE, THINK BIKER’.

Upon prompting, around six in 10 adults recognised at least one of the ads from the radio led summer 2011 activity, compared with two thirds at the launch of the TV led campaign.

34% of commercial radio listeners recognised the radio ad, 32% of Video on Demand users recognised the VOD ad, and 18% of internet users recognised the online display ad. 40% of all adults and 43% of drivers said they recognised the petrol station screen ad.

Click here to read the full evaluation report.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      This is an awareness raising campaign to the general motoring public. And it has been shown to be effective. Advanced driving courses are another element of casualty prevention where drivers can be encouraged to increase their skills – but not everyone wants or is able to take up that offer. It is surely worth our while to raise awareness of bikers amongst other road users – perhaps especially those road users who will not go on to take an optional further skills course.

      Honor Byford, North Yorkshire
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      You could get a lot of advanced driving courses for the cost of that campaign. But you’d then need to spend a lot of money advertising those and persuading people they need to go on them. Using TV and Radio advertising isn’t cheap, but it does reach a lot of people and if the message is right can be very effective.

      Dave, Leeds
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      I applaud the results that have been put forward. However what was the initial cost and how much did it cost to re do it?

      I understand it was well over the million pounds. I wonder how many advanced driving courses could have been bought for that kind of monies?

      bob craven
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      As a happy go lucky biker called Gareth, I am very pleased this excellent advert has helped raise road safety awareness.

      Gareth Tuffery Epsom
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