New fund ‘prioritises people movement over vehicular access’

11.23 | 15 March 2019 | | | 2 comments

Sustrans Scotland has launched a new fund to invest in projects that prioritise people over cars and other vehicles – including cycling and walking infrastructure.

The Places for Everyone fund brings three existing funding streams – Community Links, Community Links PLUS and Safer Routes to Schools – into one programme.

Sustrans Scotland says the move, which follows feedback from partners and applicants, demonstrates its commitment to creating accessible spaces and places for all.

The charity also says the new fund will simplify the application process and give it more flexibility to allocate support and funding where it will have the most impact.

Projects that could benefit from the new fund, which is supported by Transport Scotland, include building protected pathways for pedestrians and cyclists, transforming neighbourhoods to prioritise people and making the school run safer and more convenient.

Matthew Macdonald, head of project delivery infrastructure for Sustrans Scotland, said: “Places for Everyone is an important step in achieving clarity, consistency and simplicity so that our funding is accessible for anyone that needs it.

“This rebrand is also an opportunity to underline the experience, expertise and partnership-approach that is at the core of how Sustrans works. Our success isn’t based on simply sharing funds but also in sharing knowledge.    

“Infrastructure isn’t just new paths and cycleways, it is about how places prioritise people movement over vehicular access.

“We want walking and cycling to be accessible to all, providing infrastructure that makes it easier to change life-long travel habits and a chance to create healthier, happier places to live, work and play.”

Places for Everyone opened for applications on 13 March. Click here for more information.



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      They are shambolic in their approach! The Section of A90 as part of the new AWPR (ABERDEEN WESTERN PERIPHERAL ROUTE) between Ellon & Aberdeen has no cycle lanes running its length? There are parts which have a ‘cycle / walking track’ but it’s surface varies from new tarmac to rutted farm track? It then disappears about 3 miles north of Aberdeen. I certainly wouldn’t consider riding on the duel carriageway, as I am fond of living! No clear signage etc. I know many people who would love to cycle the route to work on summer days, but there has been no real thoughts on integration of networks.
      Most of the monies this agency has spent has been in the population centres of Scotland, where they already have a good public transportation network! The rest of us ‘yokels’ are told to get out of using our hydrocarbon pollution generating vehicles? Easy to say use public transport, but I’m not getting up at 5am to get a bus at 6am which means I’m in work at 7am (not starting till 8!) then not getting home till 6.30pm… or after!
      The usual ‘blinkered’ attitude where the authorities know nothing of what is available out with the respective ‘capital’ cities…..
      one size model does not fit all…

      Sandy Allan, Aberdeen
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      Sustans were involved in financing and making some dozen or so new infrastructures for cyclists in Scotland only last year and spent over 50 million of tax payers money. Now this year they are wanting to spend more. Once again on cyclists but now including pedestrians. At a time of such Austerity just where will they get the monies to pay for this one from? Anyone any idias.

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