A new website has been launched in a bid to to make roads in Essex safer by encouraging people to send in photographs of dangerous or ambiguous road signs.
The website, ‘Essex road signs’, has been created by Tariq Ismail Musaji from Farrah Driving Training in Basildon, Essex. The website stresses that it is not a ‘council bashing’ site, but is intended as a platform to make roads safer for all users.
On the website, Tariq says: “As a fully qualified driving instructor I have come across anomalies with road signs and road markings and was were surprised that for years no one had done anything to correct these anomalies.
“Certainly we have come across road markings which were in conflict with the road sign erected alongside. For example, one of the exits from an industrial estate in Basildon, where there is a STOP sign next to dotted give-way lines.”
Click here to visit the website.
Could be a good national idea. I have seen many a bend sign on a road indicating that the bend goes the wrong way? Confusing isn’t it.?
I once saw a sign on a famers gate that read ‘BULLS KEEP OUT’…. But I never knew that Bulls could read!
But seriously there are too many signs ans not necessarily road traffic. The local authority allows almost anyone to put up a sign, [provinding its paid for to the LA] and this leads to confusion. As an example (I know this was in Southern Ireland) we came to a T junction and opposite there were 26 different signs, some for haidresers, butchers, newsagents etc.
Yes we can do with less signage, and more accurate signage [less misleading signage] and get rid of anything no longer required ie.. new housing developments that are now complete, or similar.
bob craven