Entries are being sought for the Northern Ireland Road Safety Awards 2018, held to recognise the contribution of individuals and organisations who work to improve road safety in their communities.
The awards, which are organised by Road Safe NI, are split into 10 categories:, Driving Instructor, Emergency Services Person Voluntary Sector, Primary School, Lollipop Person, Secondary School, LGV/ HGV, Business, Two Wheels and Lifetime Achievement.
One of the highlights of the 2017 awards ceremony was the presentation of a ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ to Hugh McIIhatton from Disability Action.
Disability Action works to ensure that people with disabilities attain their full rights as citizens, by supporting inclusion, influencing Government policy and changing attitudes in partnership with disabled people.
Davy Jackson, Road Safe NI, said: “We were delighted with the outstanding success and feedback received from the Awards over the last three years and we now look forward to emulating that with our 2018 nominees.
“It is vitally important that we properly recognise the hard work and commitment that goes into helping keep our roads safe.”
Tony McKeown, director of CRASH Services – who sponsor the event – said: “As a business with close connections to road users we are pleased to support the NI Road Safety Awards again.
“The call is now out for nominations, so whether you are involved in a scheme yourself, have benefited from an initiative or know someone who has spearheaded road safety in your area, these are the awards for them.”
The closing date for entries is 31 October, with further details available via the Road Safe NI website. The awards ceremony takes place at Cultra Manor on 23 November, as part of Road Safety Week 2018.
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