Motorists in Norfolk will be able to buy official DVSA driving guides at reduced rates, providing they take one of the council’s road safety courses.
Norfolk County Council has teamed up with The Stationery Office (TSO) – the official publisher of DVSA materials – to offer a 30% discount to every rider and driver who takes a course.
Last year, Norfolk County Council’s road safety team engaged with more than 30,000 drivers and riders on various courses across the county.
Iain Temperton, Norfolk’s road safety team manager, said, “We always encourage our customers to continue the learning experience after they have finished our training and education, and it is important to us that they use official publications.
“We are really pleased to be working with TSO to promote this offer. Comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge is important for effective and safe road use and I would encourage my road safety colleagues from other councils around the country to consider this offer too.”
DVSA publications include the Guide to Better Driving, which helps people with the attitudinal side of driving, and the Highway Code.
Lisa Daniels, TSO’s account director for DVSA, said: “We are delighted to be working with Norfolk County Council’s road safety team to help people to continue their learning after they’ve attended one of the team’s excellent courses.
“So often, people haven’t read The Official Highway Code since they passed their driving or riding test and this is a perfect opportunity for them to re-engage and ensure that they’re up-to-date with the latest rules.
“The Official DVSA Guide to Better Driving is packed with practical strategies to help drivers who feel frustrated, nervous or angry behind the wheel to stay safe and legal, to drive confidently and enjoy their driving.”
Any road safety officer interested in providing a similar offer to drivers and riders in their area should contact Timothy Key at TSO.
Thank you to everyone who has taken an interest in this promotional offer, which does indeed cover the whole range of official DVSA publications including The Highway Code.
This initiative is about reaching out to people who need improvement and who might not have been aware of the official DVSA publications books previously.
If you’re interested in providing a similar offer to drivers and riders in your area then please contact Timothy Key at TSO so we can discuss your requirements. Thank you.
Lisa Daniels, Account Director, TSO, Norwich
It is a shame the book offer does not cover the whole range of books.
Of course one could just visit Desktop Driving’s website and enjoy a much larger discount than 30%.
Chris Harrison, bristol
At my local Tesco’s on Saturday, the police were there promoting a free, over-60s driving assessment carried out by an ADI. Unfortunately most male drivers over 60 (but not much older) would probably not accept that their driving required any form of assessment or improvement, unlike those perhaps over 80, who may have lost confidence and sensibly want some reassurance. As has been mentioned elsewhere on this forum, trying to reach out to those who really need improvement is nigh on impossible.
Hugh Jones
Anything to promote better road behaviour is to be encouraged and it is to be hoped that other councils might follow Norfolk’s example.
However, it’s just a pity that this is restricted to DVSA and that they haven’t taken on the broader perspective of promoting both the Insitute of Advanced Motorists and RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Rivers which are higher levels of achievement for those who want it.