Road Safety GB North-East region has developed a three-phase campaign targeting irresponsible motorists who drink drive, speed or use a mobile phone at the wheel.
The campaign will be delivered over the winter months, but will also be used throughout the year.
The posters, designed by Gingernut Creative, are part of a joint campaign involving Road Safety GB North-East, North East Tyres, Autocare, Auto Items and the ‘Best Bar None’ scheme.
Paul Watson, chair of Road Safety GB North-East, said: “We want to make drivers think twice, so that if they find themselves in a situation that could result in them driving illegally they decide against it.”
Over the Christmas period the campaign will highlight the dangers of drink-driving and Road Safety GB North-East has partnered with the Best Bar None, a national scheme supported by the Home Office which promotes responsible management and operation of licensed premises.
Links are also being forged with schools, colleges and businesses to campaign against the use of mobile phones and speeding, while also emphasising the importance of wearing a seatbelt.
Throughout the winter months the partnership with North East Tyres and Autocare will encourage drivers to visit depots in the region for a free winter safety check. Tread Buddies, the tyre wear checking device, will be handed out to drivers with simple advice on tyre safety and staying safe particularly during the winter.
For more information contact Paul Watson on 01429 523590.
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