Novice drivers to benefit from initiative

12.00 | 29 May 2012 | | 2 comments

100 driving instructors have been trained to deliver a new safety initiative for novice drivers in Merseyside.

The initiative, called ‘Engage’, was developed by South Yorkshire Road Safety Team under the name ‘Learn Safe Drive Safe’.

Engage is a training programme for approved driving instructors, which enables them to prepare novice drivers for the important period after their driving test when they are vulnerable as new drivers. It has been funded through the Merseyside Road Safety Partnership and is a collaboration between Merseyside Police, Merseyside local authority road safety teams and driving instructors.

The driving instructors have received specialist training from Ian Edwards, of eDriving Solutions, to help them deliver learner-centre coaching to better equip novice drivers with the skills needed to identify and deal with hazards on the roads.

Topics covered in the scheme include distraction, influence of others, fatigue, speed, drink and drugs, medication and seatbelts.

In addition to in-car discussions between the instructor and student, learners complete exercises between lessons and attend an evening workshop with their parents to reinforce their learning and highlight the potential dangers faced by new drivers. The scheme also places an expectation on parents and guardians to become involved in the process.

For more information contact Gillian Roberts, St Helens Council, on 01744 673233.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      The majority of my novice learners are over the age of 21, those under 21 fund their own lessons too and have no parental input, many living away from home, so how would a scheme like this help those? Placing expectations on parents is totally unrealistic.

      A.Green Northants
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      Well done to all those involved in this worthwhile and important initiative.

      Charles Dunn
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