Older motorists in Bracknell Forest have benefited from free advice to make them safer drivers.
The ‘Older and Wiser’ drop in event was organised by Bracknell Forest’s road safety team. Help and advice covered a range of topics affecting motoring skills including reaction testing, vision screening and driving on medication.
Concessionary travel information was also available for those who wished to give up driving.
The event was timed to coincide with the publication of a new booklet produced Bracknell’s road safety team entitled, ‘Older and Wiser – Keeping You Mobile – Keeping you safe’.
Tina Housego, RSO, said: “Many of us do not realise that as we get older our ability to drive can be impaired by simple things associated with age like failing eyesight and taking routine medication.
“This event provided a way of getting to this hard to reach group and raised awareness that whatever the age or experience of the driver we all can learn more about being safer motorists.”
Contact Tina Housego for more information on 01344 351191.
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