Older Drivers Forum founder scoops award

12.00 | 22 January 2015 | | 1 comment

Sergeant Rob Heard (left in pic), founder of the Older Drivers Forum, has won the ACPO and Police Federation Outstanding Contribution to Roads Policing Award 2014.

Rob Heard, who has worked within Hampshire’s Roads Policing Unit for 22 years and is currently the force lead on road safety, was presented with the award on 15 January.

The Older Drivers Forum was set up in 2013 with the aim of keeping older drivers safely on the roads for longer, and helping relatives and carers deal with the issues that can be associated with older drivers.

The forum was Rob Heard’s idea, and he has worked with partner agencies including local authorities, health, Age Concern and Age UK, Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service, Forum of Mobility Centres and Institute of Advance Motorists to co-ordinate its many activities and support services.

Chief constable Andy Marsh said: “I am very proud of the work Rob has done in helping to keep older drivers on the road, safely. The Forum and its website are a fantastic resource to help inform and reassure. This award is very well deserved recognition.”

Rob Heard said: “It is basically about raising awareness of the services available to drivers aged 60 plus to help keep them driving safely for longer, and to encourage people to have regular eye-sight tests and, especially, take voluntary assessments to help build confidence and understand whether they remain fit to drive.

“The Forum can also provide assessments to check, following a collision, whether a person is safe or not to continue and, where appropriate, signpost refresher training. 

“I feel greatly honoured to have received this award. It feels a bit like winning an Oscar in the roads policing world.”


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      Congratulations, a well deserved award.

      Mark – Wiltshire
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