Operation Velociraptor showcased at European Parliament

09.21 | 9 November 2010 | | 1 comment

West Midlands Police (WMP) and West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) presented the success of Operation Velociraptor at a prestigious European road safety conference last month.

PC Steve Rogers and watch commander Andy Cattell represented the West Midlands Road Safety Partnership at the EU Village of Road Safety, which was showcased at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The pair presented Operation Velociraptor which, according to the West Midland Road Safety Partnership, has produced a 17% year on year reduction, over three years, in the number of people killed and seriously injured on West Midlands’ roads.

Steve Rogers said: “There are approximately 3,000 fatal collisions each year on UK roads. In 75% of cases, one or more of four elements is a contributory factor: failing to wear a seat belt; excessive or inappropriate speed; drink or drug driving; and using a mobile phone or being engaged in another avoidable distraction.

“A combination of WMFS’s excellent education packages and the perceived threat of police intervention combined to provide a targeted intelligence led approach to casualty reduction.

“A huge amount of partnership effort went into making Velociraptor a success and we enjoyed sharing our experiences and best practice with colleagues from across Europe.”

For more information contact Andy Cattell on 0121 380 6357.


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    I would be very interested to see the evaluation report and supporting data that demonstrate this casualty reduction was all down to this one intervention, please?

    Honor Byford, North Yorkshire
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