In the run up to the General Election in May 2015, PACTS has drawn up a list of priorities for road safety to “substantially reduce the level of death and injury on roads in the UK”.
PACTS says that unless the Government acts “a third of a million people will be killed or seriously injured on the roads in Great Britain over the two decades ending 2030”. PACTS estimates the financial loss to society at approximately £110bn.
Top of a list of strategic initiatives, proposed by PACTS for central and local governments, is adoption of a “long-term vision for a safe transport system free from death and serious injury”.
Other proposals include: setting challenging national targets for road safety; adopting the Safe System approach in road safety management; setting up an independent Road Safety Management Capacity Review; adopting Single/Double Summer Time; introducing an effective graduated driver licensing scheme; reducing the drink-drive blood alcohol limit to 50mg /100ml; publicising best practice guidance on effective training for drivers, motorcyclists, pedal cyclists and young pedestrians; and reviewing emergency medical response to collisions and enhanced trauma care.
The report clearly states that the 1/3 million refers to seriously injured OR KILLED. Hence your simplistic equation of £110bn/330,000 to get a figure “per fatal accident” is flawed.
With regard to “how they arrived at their figure”, this is actually referenced in footnote [2] to the press release which refers to:
C G B Mitchell and R E Allsop, Projections of road casualties in Great Britain to 2030, March 2014, published by PACTS.
This may be seen in full at http://www.pacts.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/PACTS_Report_no_crops.pdf
Rod King, 20’s Plenty for Us
£110bn / 330,000 = £330,000 per life. That is very different from the DfT’s current story of £1.9m or so for a fatal accident – can Pacts or anyone else tell me how they arrived at their figure?
Most of which, incidentally, has to be hypothetical “willingness to pay” assessment, not real money in any case, as the true cash cost to the State of a fatal accident is of the order of £20,000, though even that includes wages etc for the people who sort out the mess, and VAT!
Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
Much to agree with in this manifesto, but as ever there are one or two items that are a bit off. All in all a good effort, but you can’t help but ask why this wasn’t done 50 years ago?
Duncan Mac|Killop, Startford on Avon