Lincolnshire police has launched a combined enforcement and education operation aimed at increasing the safety of motorcyclists.
Operation Octane and Operation Stealth will run throughout Lincolnshire to ensure that riders enjoy the county’s roads in safety.
The police forces of Lincolnshire, Humberside and South Yorkshire are working together to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on the roads. Police officers will work across borders to bring an educational message to riders and, where necessary, enforcement will take place to prosecute motorcyclists riding dangerously.
Sgt Chris Dennett, of Lincolnshire police, said: “We welcome careful and considerate bikers but the small minority who wilfully ride at excessive speed, cause nuisance and represent a danger to other roads users as well as themselves will be targeted and, where appropriate, will be put before the Courts. Our aim is to make the roads safer for all.”
For more information contact John Siddle on 01522 805812.
I am delighted to hear of this excellent initiative and wish that, with the right balance of education and enforcement, it succeeds. I hope that the police officers will be making their presence highly visible because, after retiring this Friday, my first motorcycle trip is to Lincolnshire next week and I would like time to slow down. So please may I ask that, if my former colleagues stop an old codger on a silver Honda Deauville, they remember I used to be on their side.
Roy Buchanan, Principal Road Safety Officer, London Borough of Sutton