Presentation will explore distraction and road safety

12.00 | 3 February 2015 | | 1 comment

In the latest confirmed presentation for Young Driver Focus 2015, the concept of ‘distraction’ will be defined from a psychological perspective, and a number of key findings about its effects on road safety outcomes will be examined.

The presentation will be delivered by Dr Shaun Helman, a cognitive psychologist who has been involved in researching road safety and driver behaviour for the last 15 years.

Shaun Helman, who is head of transport psychology at TRL, is particularly interested in the links between driver behaviour and safety outcomes such as collisions and injuries, and in high-risk groups such as young and novice drivers, those driving for work, and motorcyclists.

Dr Helman says the call for training and education to address safety-related road user distraction and inattention is “likely to become more widespread with the introduction of new technologies”.

His presentation will consider how training and education should be positioned if it is expected to reduce distraction-related injuries on the roads in the future.

Young Driver Focus 2015
Young Driver Focus 2015 is being held at the RAC Club in central London, courtesy of the RAC Foundation, on 15 April. The event is being organised by Road Safety GB and FirstCar.

The venue can accommodate a maximum of 150 attendees and with more than 110 already registered to attend it is expected to be fully subscribed in the coming weeks – click here to register to attend. The delegate fee is just £75 for Road Safety GB & Academy members and £125 for other attendees (both plus VAT).

Details of the agenda, speakers and presentations are available on the event website. For more information about delegate registration contact Sally Bartrum on 01379 650112. There are also opportunities for a limited number of organisations to exhibit alongside the conference and/or sponsor the event. For details contact Richard Storrs on  07702 564422.



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      There are so many things that can now distract a driver away from their attention on the road. I am sure we can all count them but nowadays need two hands and before long toes also. Distraction has got to be a contributory factor some times if not the only factor in the circumstances leading up to a incident and possible collision. We wait and see what is reported.

      Bob Craven Lancs… Space is Safe campaigner
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