Pupils follow the yellow footprints for safety

11.50 | 15 April 2010 | | 1 comment

Children in Loughborough have been following special yellow footprints, which mark out a safer route to their school.

Leicestershire County Council worked with the pupils of Outwoods Edge Primary to choose two safer routes to and from school.

At the start of each route the meeting point is marked with a blue ‘Safer Route’ mat and children can then follow the footprints to the school grounds.

Children at the school were asked to vote for their favourite design and the clear winner was the yellow shoe print.

Each set of footprints, combined with tactile paving, marks a safer crossing point to guide parents and children safely to school. Where parking was previously a problem, a white ‘H bar’ marking has been laid to deter parking so parents and children can clearly see when it is safe to cross.

Mark Maksymiw, headteacher, said: “This is a great initiative. It helps children and their parents get to school more safely and is a very visible reminder for people who drive near our school.”

Contact Liz Goodman for more information.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Yellow footprints is a brilliant idea but I worry that it may encourage parents to send their children unaccompanied thereby exposing them to dangers other than traffic.

      Dominic Niven Leicester
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