Research raises concerns for roadside workers and drivers

14.18 | 2 November 2010 | | 1 comment

Roadworks put drivers and roadside workers at significant risk, according to research published by the Highways Agency (RoadSafe News).

Key findings of the research highlighted that more than 1,000 people are injured in road works on motorways and trunk roads during a typical year, and that one in 1,000 roadside workers are killed in road works on motorways or trunk roads in England.

The research also highlighted that roadside workers have the 16th most hazardous occupation in the UK.

In response to the report the Highways Agency has developed web-based information services giving the following advice:

• Plan ahead and allow extra journey time.
• Take extra care and keep to the speed limit.
• Get into the correct lane in good time – and avoid switching.
• Concentrate on the road ahead – not the road works.
• Be alert for works traffic leaving or entering the road.
• Keep a safe distance – there could be queues in front.
• Observe all signs – they are there to help you.

Click here to read the full RoadSafe News report.


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      There is no evidence suggesting that vehicles are the major cause of the above accidents, it may be the fault of the worker or a 50/50 situation.

      It doesn’t say much for Day glow clothing which all workers wear nowadays. When all the signs and indicators make the point of a road works, including vehicles slowing and traffic queues so how come so many workers are not seen?

      I don’t like the recommendation for vehicles to move over from the lane being closed as soon as possible, the Highway Code is quite clear on this… that vehicles should slow and approach the mixing point and then zip in left and right etc. Nowadays no one considers this and one has a long and unnecessary queue with nothing being driven in the lane being closed.

      Bob Craven, Lancs
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