Road Safety GB has launched The Good Egg Campaign to highlight to parents and carers the dangers of incorrectly fitted child safety seats.
The campaign, which is designed to ensure that babies and children are properly restrained while travelling in the car, will be launched at the Rennys Lane Tesco in Durham. Road safety professionals will run an educational clinic demonstrating how to fit various types of safety seats and distribute copies of ‘The Good Egg Guide to In-Car Child Safety’. Similar clinics will take place across the UK throughout the autumn.
Alan Kennedy, chair of Road Safety GB, said: “We’re really excited to launch this national campaign. Children and infants are our most vulnerable road users and an ill-fitted car-seat can mean the difference between life and death.
“With sponsorship by Arnold Clark Automobiles – together with the support of local authorities, fire and rescue services and other key partners – the Good Egg Campaign will help to raise awareness of the risks to children being placed in car seats that are not fitted safely.
"The Good Egg Campaign has been running in Scotland since 2001 and has helped reduce the number of in car child casualties significantly. By being a ‘Good Egg’, parents and carers will be helping to keep their little ones safe in the car.”
Sir Arnold Clark, chairman and chief executive of Arnold Clark Automobiles, said: “We’re very pleased to sponsor the Good Egg Campaign and help make a difference in reducing the number of child casualties on the roads.
"Parents and carers often don’t realise that different cars require different types of safety seat, and often think that their child is properly protected when this may not be the case.
“The Good Egg clinics ensure that all attendees get authoritative advice on the best type of in-car child safety seat for their vehicle and the proper method of installation.
"The clinics will also distribute the Good Egg Guide, a manual which provides detailed take-home guidance on all the important issues relating to in-car safety seats.”
The Good Egg clinics will be supported by a bus back campaign across England. Parents will get the chance to win child car seats by logging onto and completing the on-line survey.
The campaign will run for four weeks but it is intended that it will become an annual event.
Parents and carers can find out where their nearest clinic is by logging onto:
Click here to read the campaign newsletter.
Click here to listen to the radio ad.
Click here to watch or download the TV ad (Quicktime movie).
Click here to see a selection of photos from the launch.
Or for more information, to arrange interviews or request case studies contact Max Howard at SKV Communications on 0161 838 7770.
It would be great if the Good Egg campaign also included advice on later stage rear facing seats instead of just showing forward facing seats after the infant carrier stage.
Natasha, Walsall.
I have been watching your advert on TV advising the public of your car seat clinics. Brilliant idea but may I say on your advert it looks as though the car seat is placed behind the driver and this is a danger in itself as you are putting the child in the seat from the road and not the kerb side.
Isobel – Cleveland
By what I can see this looks to be an excellent resource. It as been well received by various establishments we have dropped off the booklet too.
I look forward to seeing the clinic in due course.
Mark Jacewicz – Manchester
I am so pleased to see this campaign has now become available to all, having used the booklets locally for some time I can say in no uncertain terms they are so very useful and well received by parents, carers and health visitors. Parents/Carers can walk away with some information and knowledge, having carried out checks personally in the local area it is a vital campaign. Well done to all.
Liz, Lewisham
Sincere congratulations on a job very well done to Alan, our Chairman and to all those of you, too many in number to mention by name, who, by your efforts, have made this launch day possible. Many children will be the benefit. I look forward to hearing about further progress.
Brian H. Road Safety GB