Road Safety GB has come out in support of the DfT’s decision to ban drivers from wearing Google Glass, the glasses which “act as a computer” (Telegraph).
Google is expected to put the device, which is worn like a pair of glasses, on the market next year, but the DfT has acted before this happens. Although smaller than normal spectacles, Google Glass places a small screen just above the right eye.
Users can tell the glass to take a picture, record a video and read messages. According to Google it will have the benefit of interacting with the web, but be less intrusive than a mobile phone.
A spokesman for the DfT said: “It is important that drivers give their full attention to the road when they are behind the wheel and do not behave in a way that stops them from observing what is happening on the road.
“A range of offences and penalties already exist to tackle those drivers who do not pay proper attention to the road, including careless driving which will become a fixed penalty offence later this year.
“We are aware of the impending rollout of Google Glass and are in discussion with the police to ensure that individuals do not use this technology while driving.”
James Gibson, press & PR officer for Road Safety GB, said: "Some technology can bring great safety benefits to road users, Google Glass isn’t one of them. Drivers need to pay full attention when driving; it’s already all too easy to be overloaded in the vehicle by other in-car distractions.
"Google Glass appears to offer an array of non-motoring interactions that could easily distract a driver from concentrating on the environment immediately surrounding the vehicle and prevent drivers from looking out for other road users, particularly those at most risk such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
"Google Glass is unlikely to enhance the immediate safety of the driver and surrounding road users, and as such should be strongly avoided. It’s right that the DfT is acting in advance of its introduction."
Click here to read the full Telegraph report.
Makes sense to me – I have been concerned for some time about the distracting gadgets that are allowed and are increasingly build in to cars. That said, a ban on the use of these glasses will be no more effective than the ban on the use of mobile phones unless the police have the patrols out there to enforce it. Which they don’t.
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