RoSPA Scotland is calling for lower penalties for some motorists breaking Scotland’s new drink-drive limit, which is set to come into force before the end of the year.
According to a report in Herald Scotland, RoSPA has advised Scottish government ministers to apply a lesser sanction against those above the new limit (50mg) but still below the outgoing threshold (80mg per 100ml of blood).
RoSPA is calling for temporary reduced penalties because "it does take time to change people’s attitudes".
Herald Scotland also says that concerns have been raised about people crossing the Border and being over the limit, despite being still legal if coming from England where it will remain 80mg.
In its submission to the Scottish government on the changes, RoSPA is quoted as saying: "To encourage public acceptance of the new limits, RoSPA would support a six-month rather than 12-month disqualification for drivers between 50mg and 80mg/100ml.
"This would recognise that some people may inadvertently exceed the new lower limit but recognise the seriousness of the offence, and a six-month disqualification would still be a significant deterrent for most people.”
Talking to Herald Scotland, Karen McDonald, head of RoSPA Scotland, said: "In the early days of the introduction we are endeavouring to provide an alternative aspect for consideration.
“We are saying they should be penalised but perhaps we recognise that it does take time to change people’s attitudes."
Paul Waterson, chief executive of the Scottish Licensed Trade Association, also said in some European countries where 50mg is the limit the sanctions are less severe.
I am shocked by RoSPA Scotland’s proposal to a potential reduction in the drink/drive limit. It seems to me to be totally at odds with safe driving. How on earth can someone inadvertently exceed the limit? Unless one consumes alcohol believing it to be a soft drink this cannot happen. The message must be that the only safe amount of alcohol to consume before driving is none whatsoever, and if adhered to then nobody will fall foul of new legislation.
David, Suffolk