A new campaign in the West of Scotland uses terms like ‘Numpty’, ‘Dunderheid’ and ‘Eejit’ to describe drivers who take risks endangering their own lives and those of passengers and other road users.
The campaign, part of the West of Scotland Road Safety Forum’s ‘Hero to Zero’ initiative, is designed to encourage passengers to vote with their feet and refuse to be endangered by reckless driving.
It is being promoted through radio adverts, Bluetooth activity, competitions, posters, beer mats and in schools.
Councillor William Hendrie said: “This campaign is aimed at young people who want to show their friends how ‘good’ a driver they are by driving fast and taking unnecessary risks.
“Some young people think they are invincible despite the evidence to the contrary. We urge young people, don’t be a ‘Numpty’, stay safe and don’t let this happen to you.”
The campaign website, www.dontletthishappentoyou.co.uk, gives information about the consequences of reckless driving and advice for young drivers on driving at night, during bad weather and also the effects of drink and drugs.
Click here to listen to the 50” radio commercial and click here to listen to the 30” campaign commercial.
For further information contact Jan Deans on 07980 851360, or click here to read the full news release.
Think the whole concept is right, especially the passenger pressure. Well done West of Scotland. Hope their young people take note.
Mandy Rigault, Oxfordshire.