Drivers and passengers across South Yorkshire are being reminded that a simple ‘click’ can double their chances of survival in a collision.
The South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership (SYSRP) is among many currently highlighting the importance of seat belts, as part of a nationwide campaign co-ordinated by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).
Joanne Wehrle, manager of SYSRP, said: “In a crash, you are twice as likely to die if you are not wearing a seatbelt, or if your seatbelt isn’t worn correctly.
“With those odds, and for such a simple task, absolutely everyone needs to be doing the right thing.
“The restraint is there for a reason and anyone who wants the freedom of driving, should be willing to follow the law and encourage their friends and family to do the same.
“Remember, no matter how careful a driver you are, you are not in control of those around you on the road. Give yourself the best possible protection.”
Last year in South Yorkshire, 422 people were prosecuted for not wearing a seatbelt while driving. Of those, 403 were men.
SYSRP points to research which shows that those most at risk of not wearing a seatbelt are 16-25-year-old women and 16-35-year-old men, with most fatalities happening between 10pm and 1am.
Matt Collings, roads policing inspector at South Yorkshire Police, said: “The difference between wearing a seatbelt or not can be dramatic, in terms of the outcome for those involved, and family and friends who are often left to pick up the pieces.
“We want to appeal to those between the ages of 17-34 who, as a group, have the lowest seat belt wearing rates and the highest accident rate.
“You may believe you are the safest driver in the world, but you can still be involved in a collision that isn’t your fault. Why expose yourself to unnecessary risk?
“Drivers and passengers who are caught not wearing their belt can face a £100 fine although our preference would be to issue no fines at all, and to see everyone wearing their seatbelts.”
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