The line-up for the closing session of YDF 2018 – ‘Connecting with Generation Z’ – is now complete, with speakers aiming to help road safety professionals engage with this most difficult to reach cohort.
Now in its fifth year, Young Driver Focus examines current and future thinking with regard to the issue of reducing crashes and casualties among young drivers and their passengers.
Young Driver Focus is jointly organised by FirstCar, Road Safety GB and the RAC Foundation, in association with the young driver insurer ingenie, who has been the event’s headline sponsor for the past four years.
The 2018 edition of Young Driver Focus is once again being held at the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall on 25 April 2018.
With more than 150 people already registered to attend, the event once again looks likely to be fully subscribed, with the venue’s maximum capacity being 200.
Connecting with Generation Z comprises three short presentations by young people, and people who work with young people.
As head of programmes at UK Youth, Christine Watson has been working on the UPS Road Code programme since 2016. The programme aims to empower young people to be safe in and around cars, before they start learning to drive.
Christina recently led a redesign of the programme to bring new research and behaviour change approaches to its content.
She will share the programme methodology and insights from youth workers who work very closely with some of the hardest to reach young people who are most at risk on the roads.
David Gallagher is IAM RoadSmart’s younger driver ambassador for 2017/18.
The one-year internship, which commenced in September 2017, sees David take on a variety of responsibilities including lobbying for change within IAM RoadSmart.
He is also visiting schools and colleges and working with the charity’s 200 plus groups throughout the UK in a bid to attract younger drivers to IAM RoadSmart.
The final speaker in the session is Harry Seaton, influencer manager at Fluential.
Harry helps brands communicate and engage with youth markets through the use of social media influencers who have built large audiences on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube.
Harry’s presentation will address the challenges of delivering road safety messages to young people, explaining why they can easily lose their effect on the high risk youth demographic – and giving tips as to how this can be addressed through the use of social media.
Young Driver Focus 2018
The cost of attending Young Driver Focus 2018 is £150 for Road Safety GB & Academy members; £175 for other attendees from the public sector, the third sector, academia and ADIs; and £195 for all other attendees (all plus VAT). The delegate fee includes lunch and all other refreshments.
Click here to register to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration) on 01379 650112.
There are a small number of spaces available for organisations to exhibit alongside the conference – click here for more information or contact Richard Storrs on 0845 4747035 or 07707 564422.
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