Young Driver Focus 2017 has once again sold out, with a little over 200 delegates from across the country set to descend on the Capital this Wednesday (26 April).
Taking place at the prestigious Royal Automobile Club in Pall Mall, the exhibition that runs alongside the conference is also fully booked with 10 organisations set to participate, including sponsors Vauxhall and lunch sponsors Solon Security.
Now in its fourth year, Young Driver Focus examines current and future thinking with regard to the challenge of reducing crashes and casualties caused by the high-risk young drivers. It is jointly organised by Road Safety GB, FirstCar and the RAC Foundation, in association with the young driver insurer ingenie.
Following the opening keynote presentation by associate professor Teresa Senserrick from the University of New South Wales, the first session features the country’s chief driving examiner Lesley Young, (the new driving test), Catherine Motteram from the DfT (young driver research) and Laurence Atchison (PACTS) who will look at the safety of young drivers and riders across Europe.
The second session focuses on young driver behaviour and features presentations from Lucía Magis-Weinberg from University College London (the teenage brain), Ian Edwards (the use of behavioural change techniques) and James Watson from the Behavioural Insights Team (‘nudge unit’).
The afternoon comprises a series presentations covering practical interventions, with a particular focus on the use of virtual reality (VR) and performance-based interventions in educational establishments.
The event will also see the 2017 FirstCar Young Driver Road Safety Awards presentation ceremony, with 20 public and private sector organisations in contention for the five awards to be presented on the day.

Once again in 2017, there will be live reporting from the conference hall by the Road Safety GB editorial team, from around 9.30am on Wednesday (26 April) when the conference commences.
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