More than 50% of people in Northern Ireland believe 20mph speed limits should be more widely used, according to the findings of an official survey.
Published by Northern Ireland’s Department for Infrastructure (DfI), the 2018/19 Continuous Household Survey sought public opinion on a variety of topics, including road safety and active travel.
More than half of respondents (53%) thought 20mph limits should be more widely used – with the majority saying they should be applied outside schools (82%) and areas where children play (76%).
The survey also gauged views on speeding, with exactly half (50%) of respondents saying they ‘never normally exceed the speed limit’.
However, 42% admitted to exceeding the speed limit on motorways, 23% on dual carriageways, 8% on rural roads and 4% for roads in ‘built-up’ urban areas.
Distraction was another area covered by the survey, with 52% of respondents admitting to using their mobile phone in some capacity while driving.
Approximately one in eight drivers admitted to texting, while almost one in 12 admitted to making a hand held call.
In terms of the risks associated with using a mobile phone at the wheel, 92% believed the action made them more likely to cause a crash – with 82% saying they would be less likely to notice a danger ahead.
However, less than half (46%) of respondents believe that drivers were likely to be stopped by police for using their mobile phone while driving.
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