The Road Safety Trust announces latest projects to receive grant funding

10.02 | 22 November 2023 |

The Road Safety Trust has announced the second set of projects which have received funding through its 2023 Small Grants Programme.

The Small Grants Programme funds local projects with a practical focus that ‘show a proposed link to reducing casualties’.

In total, six projects have been awarded funding through the 2023 funding round, which ran earlier this year.

Ruth Purdie OBE, chief executive of The Road Safety Trust, said: “The Road Safety Trust was delighted with the quality of applications for our 2023 Small Grants Programme.

“These projects vary in subject – from centre line removal to hazard perception for motorcyclists.

“However, one thing they have in common is their potential to improve road safety, and we look forward to seeing how they progress over the coming months and years.”

The recipients include:

University of the West of England (UWE Bristol)
This small scale trial will test the effectiveness of implementing centre line removal (CLR) on roads with 30mph and 20mph limits when it comes to reducing speeds.

It will take place in small town and semi-rural settlement areas within East Lothian Council’s local highway network.

The trial seeks to understand the potential for CLR as a low cost intervention in support of the growing introduction of 20mph speed limits across the UK.

National Young Rider Forum
This project aims to improve the hazard perception skills of motorcyclists, in order to help them avoid collisions.

Traditional car-perspective hazard tests do not appeal to motorcyclists, as they do not reflect the typical hazards that riders face on the roads.

Therefore, this project will create a hazard test that is filmed from the perspective of a rider on a bike, providing more relevant hazards.

The resultant test will be shown to riders of varying experience and crash history. Example clips will be used by the National Young Rider Forum on their website to engage young riders with hazard perception, and will also be put out through social media.

Nottingham Trent University
This project aims to create a cost-effective and innovative tool for on-road tractor assessments and training, to improve driver skills, and ultimately reduce collisions.

Nottingham Trent University, in collaboration with The Farm Safety Foundation (FSF), will create a 360-degree hazard test using footage recorded from tractors on real roads.

Based on the results of a national survey of tractor drivers, and assistance from an expert focus group, footage will be selected that best represents the key hazards that tractor drivers face on UK roads.

This footage will be edited to create a hazard test that can be viewed in virtual reality (VR) headsets. Accompanying training clips will also be created to support the assessment.

The overall aim of this project is to improve the road safety confidence, skills and knowledge of the disabled community when cycling and walking.

Foresight will work in partnership with a group of peer beneficiaries and local road safety professionals. The project will develop, deliver and test a practical and classroom-based walking and cycling proficiency programme with appropriate support tailored to the disabled community of North East Lincolnshire.

It will also develop and deliver a web and social media awareness campaign to other road users highlighting the safety issues and concerns of the disabled community.

More information on all projects can be found via the Small Grants page on The Road Safety Trust website.


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