THINK! campaign improves attitudes towards training

12.00 | 23 December 2014 | | 3 comments

A THINK! campaign which ran earlier this year improved attitudes towards further training among the motorcyclists who saw it, according to post campaign evaluation.

Never too good’ comprised a series of films featuring Chaz Davies, World Superbike rider and comedian Alan Davies undergoing further training alongside a group of eight regular riders. The campaign ran from mid-August until late-October and attracted more than 466,000 views on You Tube.

An evaluation survey conducted among 500 motorcyclists showed 19% of riders recognised the campaign, which the THINK! team describes as “a good level of recognition for a low-spend digital campaign”.

The evaluation shows that the key message, ‘you’re never too good to be better rider’, was clearly understood and the campaign was well received by the biking community; 66% liked the style of the videos and 45% said they made further training look like fun.

Those who had seen the campaign were also more likely to agree strongly with a number of statements including: further training can improve your defensive riding skills and reduce your risk of having an accident (60%); no matter how good or experienced you are, there is always more to learn about riding (62%); further training is enjoyable (47%) and there’s training package to suit everyone’s needs (47%).

Bikers were incentivised to sign up for further training course via a discount on the IAM Skill for Life course and the RoSPA Advanced Riding Test fee.

While 43% of those who recognized the campaign said they had signed up to further training as a result of seeing the videos, the THINK! team believes this to be an over claim based on the level of sign-ups to the RoSPA and IAM courses.

Victoria Judd, THINK! motorcycling campaign manager, said: “Never too good was well received and appears to have influenced attitudes and intentions among some bikers to take further training.

“While to date this has not translated into actual sign-ups among the main training providers, this could be because the campaign ran in late summer and continued into autumn when many bikers begin taking their bikes off the road.

“Many riders did tell us they will be taking further training next spring so we plan to give the campaign another push in March 2015 when riders begin to get their bikes out again for the summer.”



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      It would be wonderful if we all bought what we needed, instead of what we want, but human nature is not like that. Most riders are reluctant to admit to themselves, or anyone else, that their skills could do with an update, so the campaign could be judged to be quite successful if the numbers are correct. It is usually only after some extra training, that riders will honestly admit that they really needed it in the first place.

      I know our opinions differ on what sort of training works best, but if we can all get together and make riders see that they do need to be better riders, then that is a win in my book.

      David, Suffolk
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      Does this show that what the Think campaign is selling (training) is not actually what their target market want to buy?

      Duncan MacKillop, Stratford on Avon
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      Can’t disagree with training and hopefully the figures from the viewers mentioned will end up participating in training next year. It was a bad time to create such an initiative and maybe has already lost some of its influence. We can only wait and see what transpires with a refresher next year.

      Bob Craven Lancs….. Space is Safe Campiagn
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