THINK! publishes 2014-15 activity calendar

12.00 | 3 March 2014 | | 2 comments

The THINK! team and ACPO have published the National Road Safety Communications Activity Calendar for the period April 2014 to March 2015 inclusive.

The calendar is designed to help road safety professionals and their partners to coordinate local and regional communications activity with national campaigns.

While the campaigns and dates on the calendar are provisional and subject to possible alteration, it currently includes the following THINK! activity: drink driving (April, June/July and Dec/Jan); cycling (April); rural roads (July/August); drug driving (Sept/Oct and Feb/March); and child and teens (April–July (in partnership with RAC) and Sept).

ACPO’s activity will focus on drug and drink/drive enforcement in June and December.

In addition, new THINK! publicity resources will be launched in April 2014 covering speed, mobile phones, fatigue, seat belts and motorcycling.

Tim Lennon, THINK! senior campaign manager, said: “If road safety officers are planning communications activity to coordinate with timings set out in the calendar, we advise them to contact us to check that the timings will be as per the calendar.

“RSOs should also be aware that THINK! campaign materials are available outside of campaign periods. Free materials to support local campaigns can be ordered at any time, subject to availability, from the THINK! Shop.”


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Hi Idris
      All of our campaigns are evaluated against their communication objectives. Our tracking measures shifts in awareness, attitudes and claimed behaviour. Most of our tracking is published on our research page:

      Measuring campaign effectiveness at reducing casualties is more difficult as often it is not possible to disentangle all the variables that influence casualties. However, we have managed to estimate the long term impact of drink drive communications using econometrics. This award paper explains how and details the ROI for four campaign phases, ranging from £11 saved for every £1 spent to £154 saved for every £1 spent. (I think it likely we are capturing the benefit of lots of local communications campaigns as well as national ones).

      Im afraid I couldn’t tell you how this compares to the ROI of filling in potholes.

      In a general sense clearly not all campaigns are effective but there is good evidence that some can be. In this meta analysis of road safety campaigns, Vaa et al conclude: “Based on a conservative meta-analytical summary of an extensive database, we can say that not only do road safety campaigns work, but they work well. This assertion is based on a number of different outcome measures, including risk comprehension (16% increase), yielding behaviours (37% increase), speeding (16% reduction), seatbelt use (25% increase) and accident reduction (9% decrease).”

      Tim Lennon
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      What evidence is available that all these well-intentioned efforts achieve anything? And if they do, how do they compare in terms of cost effectiveness with (say) filling potholes at £50 a time?

      Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
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