The THINK! Secondary Education website for 11-16 year olds has gone live.
Heads of PHSE in secondary schools across England will have received a mailer informing them of this new road safety education site.
The site is divided into three areas:
· The students’ area includes engaging interactive activities for young people aged 11–16 years.
· The teachers’ area contains a guide to help head teachers and senior managers plan and deliver effective road safety education, and teachers’ notes including general guidance, curriculum links and detailed lesson ideas.
· The parents’ area contains information about how parents can help to set a good example and reinforce the messages of the classroom activities.
Road safety officers can order the Road Safety Education booklet for head teachers and heads of PSHE from the catalogue in the road safety professionals’ area of the THINK! website. They can also order the New Journey Planner activity sheet for year seven teachers to use in class, or for students to take home and share with their parents.
Road safety officers can see an overview of the website by clicking here.
Or click here to visit the THINK! Secondary Education website.
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