A distinguished academic from the USA will address delegates at Young Driver Focus 2019, explaining how interventions can be enhanced by understanding the process by which novices (eventually) learn to drive safely.
Now in its sixth year, Young Driver Focus is jointly organised by FirstCar, Road Safety GB and the RAC Foundation, in association with the young driver insurer ingenie, the event’s headline sponsor for the past five years.
Young Driver Focus 2019 will once again be staged at the prestigious Royal Automobile Club on London’s Pall Mall – on Wednesday 1 May.
Dr Bruce Simons-Morton, senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health at the University of Texas, will deliver the opening keynote address at the outset of the conference.
Dr Simons-Morton’s career includes distinguished contributions to academia, public health, and research. He is travelling to the UK from his base in Texas specifically to address delegates at Young Driver Focus.
For the past 20 years much of his research has examined the characteristics of, and variability in, young driver risk (including inexperience, ‘second task engagement’ and passenger influences) – and the efficacy of prevention programmes for young drivers.
Dr Simons-Morton will look at the extremely high crash rate immediately after licensure and prolonged period of decline, which has given rise to many interventions and programmes. While well-intentioned and intuitive, he will argue that many of these efforts are not based on known risk factors and lack evidence of effectiveness.
While there is no ‘magic’ solution, his presentation will describe known risk factors, evidence for the effectiveness of promising programmes – and suggest how prevention efforts could be more effective through thoughtful modifications based on a ‘modern understanding of how novices eventually learn to drive safely’.
Pricing and delegate registration
The delegate fees for Young Driver Focus 2019 are: £150 for Road Safety GB & Academy members; £175 for other attendees from the public and third sectors and academia; and £195 for all other attendees is (all plus VAT).
There is also the opportunity to purchase a joint ticket for YDF 2019 and the new Young Rider Focus conference, which is being held in Birmingham on 6 March 2019. The joint ticket shows a saving of at least £50 on the individual event prices.
Click here to book to attend or for more information contact Nick Rawlings (speakers and agenda) or Sally Bartrum (delegate registration). Both can be reached on 01379 650112.
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