The 2017 Isle of Man TT campaign features a series of ‘hard-hitting’ images and messages to encourage bikers to slow down, respect the roads and ride within their capabilities.
Launched yesterday (17 May), the annual campaign reminds visitors that while the TT takes centre stage for two weeks (27 May-9 June), everyday life continues on the Island, with people commuting to work and commercial vehicles out on the roads.
Efforts to promote the campaign begin before visitors set foot on the Isle of Man, with leaflets distributed to people travelling by ferry, and road safety officers on board during busy sailings to speak to bikers.
On arrival in Douglas, visitors are greeted by the campaign’s two main messages: ‘Don’TT Cross The Line – Avoid That Fine’ and ‘It’s A Road – Not a Race Track.’
Posters are on display at prominent locations including TT campsites and vantage points on the Mountain Course, as well as in shops and community venues.
The Isle of Man Constabulary roads policing unit will also be out in force throughout the TT to stress the importance of keeping speeds down, maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles and abiding by the central white lines.
Unmarked police vehicles will once again be deployed to enforce the rules of the road, using the slogan ‘The Force Is Behind You.’

Gordon Edwards, the Isle of Man’s road safety manager, said: "There is a misconception that outside of racing the Mountain Course is open for bikers to ride as they see fit. This is not true.
“Traffic laws are still in force and it’s very much business as usual for Island road users.”
Chief constable Gary Roberts, Isle of Man Constabulary, said: “High-visibility police patrols will be supported by a strong digital media presence.
“The festival is one of the greatest spectacles on the sporting calendar and we want everybody to have fun, behave responsibly and remember TT 2017 for the quality of the racing and great atmosphere.”
Want to know more about motorcycling and road safety?
Online library of research and reports etc – visit the Road Safety Knowledge Centre
Key facts and summaries of research reports – visit the Road Safety Observatory
Nothing new here. Its been going on since time immemorial. Its not just that tarmac its a lot of other tarmac in other areas. Last week I was travelling the A49 north through Cheshire on a Sunday and the numbers of rouge bikers was astronomical. I was hard pressed to see more than a handful of safe riders. Many riders apparently having a good time and a blast, many at excessive speeds. Some riders overtaking between oncoming traffic unaware of the little availability of any safe space. Some overtaking over double white lines on bends and many just far too close to the vehicle in front and in danger should
that vehicle come to a halt or stop suddenly. Not one police officer or car was seen in over 50 miles of that road. There seems to be little point in making rules, regulations and laws designed primarily for the safety of all if they cannot be enforced.
g craven
“The road is not a race track”. Apart from when it is.
Mainland local authority traffic and road safety staff often get calls from residents saying “..the road outside my house is like a race track!” I would imagine the response of the corresponding Isle of Man staff to be ” Well, funny you should say that…..”
Hugh Jones, Cheshire