A new campaign is encouraging motorcyclists to check their tyres once a week – with a particular focus on inflation, condition and tread.
TyreSafe’s ‘Don’t chance it, change it’ campaign has been launched on the back of DfT figures which show that motorcycles are three-times more likely to be involved in a tyre-related incident than a car.
The campaign focuses on the message that it’s safer to change your tyre than repair it, reminding riders that it is more difficult to repair motorcycle tyres.
The campaign calls on motorcyclists to check their tyres once a week and consider three key areas:
- Inflation pressure – which influences how a bike handles, brakes and accelerates
- Condition – because tyres are in physical contact with the road and can be damaged by debris, potholes, and kerbs
- Tread – the tread ensures a tyre stays in contact with the road during wet conditions. The minimum limit for motorcycles of 50cc or above is 1mm.
As part of the campaign TyreSafe has produced a new quick guide to motorcycle tyre safety and refreshed its comprehensive A5 reference guide.
TyreSafe has also published a new video, featuring Isle of Man TT ‘legend’ John McGuinness – who talks ‘honestly and openly’ about tyre safety for motorbikes.
John McGuinness said: “I give loads of consideration to the tyres that my bikes are equipped with because it’s so, so important; it’s the only bit that connects you to the road.
“There’s absolutely no chance that I would repair a tyre. To be honest, it wouldn’t even enter my head. I didn’t even know that you can repair a bike tyre.”
Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe chairman, said: “With 1.1m licensed motorcycles in England, the ‘Don’t chance it, change it’ campaign will play an important role in reminding and educating motorcyclists that tyre safety should be at the forefront of their minds every time they set off.
“It’s of genuine concern to hear inappropriate repairs are being carried out despite the warnings.”
I hate to admit it but cost is a major factor in whether I replace a tyre or have it replaced. The difference between a £25 repair and a £150 tyre is a major factor when funds are low.
I also trust the dealership who are carrying the repair out (may just be lucky with my dealership). They won’t suggest a repair if they believe that it wouldn’t be safe and they have explained in detail why they won’t repair it in some cases.
Iain, Edinburgh
I’ve always been skeptical of claims re tyre condition and collisions on the basis that there’s four wheels involved and the vehicles they’re fitted to are stable and controllable. For two wheeled vehicles at any sort of speed, i.e. motorcycles, it’s obviously far more crucial.
Hugh Jones
I agree with this. I know people that have riding with over 10 lb less pressure in both tyres and have got away with it. mainly because it was whilst riding on a straight road. They were on a motorway. No way could one ride with that amount of pressure missing on any winding country road. As he said it was like driving a tank as there was the need to use a lot of strength when turning the front wheel. That was as a result of neglect by the shop it was bought from who failed to see or even consider that the tyres needed inflating prior to purchase. Plus a wrongful presumption on the part of the rider who didn’t check and believed the pressure to be correct.
I have made the point many times that some riders will reduce pressure in their tyres when out for a blast on a dry day, believing that at the speeds that they intend or wish to go that it will re inflate the pressure as the heat in the tyre expands the gasses in it. That’s what is done on track days where speeds far in excess of 100 mph are obtained for short periods of time. It should never ever be allowed to happen on country roads. Indeed after a distance ride then a food stop the tyres of any bike will cool down and the tyres will not be as safe as when they arrived. When they set off thee tyres will be cool and of normal or under pressured. That will mean that they will need a mile or so warming up before the profile and warmth of the compound gives best grip otherwise there will be more fall offs on bends, until the tyres warm up again.
That is perhaps why some incidents happen after lunch or other breaks and the police must be aware of this phenomena otherwise its of little use talking to motorcyclists about how to ride safe if one or both parties are ignorant of this fact.