Viral film picks up momentum

12.00 | 25 October 2013 | | 3 comments

After, a modest start, a viral film developed by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Road Safety Partnership (CPRSP) has picked up momentum in recent weeks and has now been viewed more than 18,000 times on YouTube.

The film is part of the twIst campaign which was developed to encourage riders of all types of powered two wheelers (P2W) to consider taking additional training – from ScooterSafe, through to BikeSafe and the Enhanced Rider Scheme.

CPRSP launched the campaign in response to a high number of P2W casualties in the partnership area and to raise awareness that riders can always learn something new, however long they’ve been riding.

The tongue-in-cheek animated film depicts a series of hapless riders making outrageous manouevres with inevitable consequences. The chaos ends with the strapline, “Whatever you ride, however long you’ve been riding, there’s always room for improvement.”

The film has now attracted more than18,400 views on YouTube and 682 Facebook ‘likes’.

Matt Staton, lead road safety officer for Cambridgeshire County Council, said: “The campaign courted controversy when it was first launched, but we got important support from the Peterborough Motorcycle Action Group when developing it.

“The animation is intended to spark debate amongst riders but the important thing is to raise awareness and get riders on our courses. The fact that the video now appears to have gone viral is an added bonus to help spread the word about the need to take training and stay one step ahead of other road users.”

For more information about the campaign contact Matt Staton on 01223 699652.


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    This is a good video. It’s short and funny and the purpose seems to be to make riders aware that advanced training is available, and where to find it. I suspect it could be quite successful in achieving that.

    Dave Finney, Slough
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    Very poor. If you are going to do a morality play then you need to have the good guy come out on top, get the girl, or win the big prize. In this little film there is no good guy, so nobody can take any lesson from it. Any rider watching this little film might well enjoy seeing all the terrible scrapes that people are getting into, but the last thing they will do is think that these poor riders are anything like them.

    Duncan MacKillop, Stratford on Avon
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    “I just wish I could ride my bike like that?”

    You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink! But this viral film has had a damn good try – 18,400, well done.

    Gareth Surrey
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