‘Vision Van’ raises eyesight awareness among commercial drivers

10.19 | 3 May 2018 | | 2 comments

More than a quarter of drivers have not had an eye examination since passing their driving test, according to one of the country’s leading optical retailers.

Vision Express attended the Commercial Vehicle Show at the NEC Birmingham (24-26 April) with its ‘Vision Van’, raising awareness of eye health by offering free tests to people attending the show.

Of those who took the free test, 26% had not had an eye examination since passing their driving test, while 17% had never had their eyesight tested.

81% were overdue an eye test, with 62% requiring a new prescription after testing.

Oli Willson, 34, from Loughborough, took the free eye test having recently experienced discomfort in one eye – but admitted to never having his eyesight tested before.

Mr Willson said: “I’ve never had a test because I’ve always thought my vision was alright, but I’ve recently been having a twitch in one eye, so it was great that I saw the van at the show today, in a place that I wouldn’t have expected, which actually made me do it.”

Described as a ‘high-tech mobile eye testing facility’, the ‘Vision Van’ is journeying across the UK to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining regular eye tests, especially among drivers.

Jonathan Lawson, Vision Express CEO, said: “Our ‘Eye Tests Save Lives’ campaign specifically targets drivers, to encourage them to consider if their sight is up to scratch before they get behind the wheel.

“Statistics indicate that around 3,000 road casualties every year are down to people driving with below par vision – so it is a significant road safety issue.

“We are committed to addressing it by attending events such as the CV Show and offering free tests on the Vision Van.

“And the great news is that policy-makers are now supporting our message, with the DVLA including reminders about getting an eye test in the photo licence renewal letters it sends out.”



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      We would like to have the contact for the Vision Van team if that is at all possible.

      nsedgwick@somerset.gov.uk, Somerset
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      Is the van travelling the UK? Please could you post up a contact so that I can find out more. We would love to do a joint event.

      Ruth Gore, East Riding of Yorkshire
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