Welcome to Ghost Street

11.52 | 20 November 2009 | | 17 comments

A spooky new film, Ghost Street, is about to give teenagers in Newcastle a supernatural lesson on road safety.

The film, commissioned by Safe Newcastle and the city’s road safety team, is aimed at young people aged 12–16 years and will be shown in schools across Newcastle. 

It tells the story of Tabby, your average and seriously distracted teenager, living in a world of mp3 players, gossip and mobile phones until her distraction costs her dearly. Tabby finds herself trapped in another worldly place, a deathly-silent street until the ghosts come out to play. Each gory character has met their end on the same street through the decades and each has a lesson to learn from the road.

Cheryl Ford, road safety services officer, said: “Teenagers naturally expect independence. They travel on their own or with friends more than they used to and are confident that they know what to do around roads and traffic. In fact, they over-estimate their road skills.

“We targeted teenagers for our film as research shows that around 14 years-of-age is the best time to influence young people’s future behaviour.”

A preview of Ghost Street can be seen at: www.ghoststreet.co.uk.

For further information contact Cheryl Ford


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      I really enjoyed this film. It was very effective and makes you think twice! Should be on internet for free viewing to raise awareness.

      Maizie, Lincolnshire
      Agree (5) | Disagree (0)

      This film is very jumpy at some points and is a bit gruesome but it is also very educating. The only problem is I can’t seem to find it on the internet. Please post the address.

      Agree (11) | Disagree (0)

      What is the official age rating of this film? My child said it was really grusome? It says in your information aimed at children 13+ but this was shown to 11 and 12 year olds.

      Agree (3) | Disagree (0)

      Omg. I watched this today and I was kinda freaked out. My friends warned me about the things that I’d face during the video. I’m now scared of cars and roads now due to what could possibly happen if I don’t look for any cars on the road! But it was very informative.

      Lucy, Middlesbrough
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      I watched this today, most people were laughing but I was quite squeamish. Very good short film to see, I kinda enjoyed it.

      Abbie Stockton-on-tees
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      I saw this take and I freaked out cause of how scary it is.

      Josh hicks, swindon
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      I just watched this yesterday and I loved it. I aready know a lot about road safety, and am always concious when using it, but this gave road safety a whole new light, one that will interest teens and hopefully teach them a thing or two.

      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      Wekk I think it’s a awful thing to show! Especially young children. People were laughing at this at my school! It’s not a nice thing to laugh at.

      Abby Sunderland
      Agree (1) | Disagree (4)

      This is an amazing film and could you please send me a website where I could find this?

      Ella Bretti. Swindon
      Agree (2) | Disagree (0)

      I thought it was quite graphical

      Anonymous Anonymous
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      It seems a very strange thing to do that some people on here are criticising a road safety campaign targeted at victims. I might be missing something here, but I’m not sure how a campaign aimed at drivers being more aware and “observing the road ahead” would be much good at highlighting the dangers of using mp3 players/mobile phones to 13 year olds???

      As you say Kim Harding, around 10% of accidents are not caused by driver error, which means a significant number of young people will benefit from watching this. It might even save a life or two. What’s to criticise??? Sheesh!

      Jules Sheffield
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      We were about to be shown at our school but the sound went dodgy. I understand the situation and I think it’s a great way of persuading children to Stop, Think, Listen ;P

      Amelia Rose Powell, Newcastle
      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      When are you going to stop blaming the victims and take the problem? Over 90% of “accidents” are caused by driver error. This is the Taliban approach to road safety (http://wp.me/p9XZ7-mH), it is time to change.

      Kim Harding, Edinburgh
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      Have a look at what the Newcastle Cycling Campaign and many others think about this gory initiative http://bit.ly/fj0otN

      Katja, Newcastle
      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      This is one of the worst victim blame road safety messages I’ve seen in a long time – nowhere does the primary failure of a driver to be observing the road ahead get a mention.

      There is one message that ironically seems to sit in the blind spot of the Road Safety industry. The biggest safety accessories for ALL road users come ready fitted and have a back-up system called ears.

      For all using our roads the ONLY contact you should be making with another road user is EYE contact and in making eye contact you immediately communicate how you will interact with each other All praise then to Suckling Transport for actually going some way to deliver this message on their tanker trailers.

      It is very telling to note that in 2 recent cycle-truck deaths in London no forest of mirrors or other fancy safety accessories like fresnel lenses would have mad a jot of difference. The truck driver at Notting Hill was unfit through poor eyesight to drive any vehicle, and the truck driver at the Oval was hung over from a drinking binge AND using a mobile phone. The only way those women might have survived would have been if they had seen how dangerous the drivers of these trucks were in time and taken action to get out of the way or make their presence inescapably obvious.

      Dave Holladay
      Agree (1) | Disagree (0)

      this was a scary but true story that makes you think twice about doing things near the road

      caitlyn newcastle
      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      This movie was shown at my school and have to say it was the best safety movie i have ever seen, well done

      south tyneside
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