Wigan RSO produces digital lesson for Year 6 pupils

11.01 | 21 July 2020 |

In the absence of classroom-based education, a road safety officer from Wigan has produced a new video to help prepare pupils for the transition to high school.

Ahead of the summer holidays, Wigan Council’s road safety team traditionally visits primary schools across the borough to equip Year 6 pupils with the skills needed to travel to high school safely come September.

However, due to Covid-19, this year it has not been possible to deliver these lessons.

As a result, Rachael Heaton, senior road safety officer at Wigan Council, has developed a digital version of the lesson – which has been sent to local schools and is also available on YouTube.

In an email to schools, Rachael said: “As you near the end of your school year unfortunately we haven’t been able to get into schools this year to do the usual Year 6 road safety lessons in preparation for travelling to high school safely.  

“This is something we don’t want these children to miss out on, as 10-12 year olds are one of the age groups most at risk from road accidents as they begin to make journeys independently without grown-ups.” 

Subject to positive feedback from schools, going forward Rachael may produce more online lessons for other year groups. Fore more information, contact Rachael via email.



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