Young Driver Focus 2016 is now fully subscribed with all 200 available places allocated to attendees.
The event, which is once again being held at the Royal Automobile Club in London’s Pall Mall courtesy of the RAC Foundation, takes place on Wednesday 20 April 2016.
Highlights on the agenda include a presentation from the road safety minister Andrew Jones; a Q&A session with the founder of ingenie, Richard King; and the 2016 FirstCar Young Driver Road Safety Awards, for which the shortlist was announced in February.
Organised by Road Safety GB in partnership with FirstCar and in association with ingenie, Young Driver Focus 2016 is sponsored by the MIB and supported by the DfT, Road Safety Scotland, RoadSafe, RoSPA, PACTS and the IAM.
The 2016 agenda comprises three sessions giving an international perspective on the young driver issue, ‘food for thought’ provided by psychologists and academics, and a look at what is happening ‘on the ground’ in terms of interventions by practitioners.
The 17-strong speaker lineup includes representatives from TRL, RoSPA, UCL and the MIB.
James Evans, founder of FirstCar, said: “We are delighted that once again Young Driver Focus is a sell out in record time, and despite the fact that we’ve increased capacity by a third to accommodate 200 delegates this year.
“The agenda is action packed with interesting speakers covering a wide range of topics – including two who will be flying in from Australia and Israel. Everything is set for what should be a thought-provoking and productive day.
“We are also looking forward to seeing who will be the winners of the six First Car Young Driver Road Safety Awards – good luck to all those shortlisted.”
While the event is fully subscribed, anyone wishing to attend can still complete the booking form and will be offered a place in the event of a cancellation.
We will be reporting live from the conference on the day of the event, and people will also be able to keep up to date with the latest developments by following @YDF2016 on Twitter.
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