Young Driver Focus 2016 will once again be held at the prestigious RAC Club in London’s Pall Mall, and there is an attractive early bird rate for Road Safety GB and Academy members.
Now in its third year, Young Driver Focus is jointly organised by Road Safety GB and FirstCar, and hosted by the RAC Foundation. The one-day conference examines current and future thinking with regard to the vital issue of reducing crashes and casualties caused by young, newly qualified drivers, and what is being done to improve the situation. It is intended for both private and public sector road safety professionals.
Having sponsored the event for the first time in 2015, agreement has been reached with ingenie to continue its support for the event for a further three years.
James Evans, founder of FirstCar, said: “We are delighted with the way in which Young Driver Focus has been received by road safety professionals. In the 2015 post event survey, 99% of delegates rated the overall event ‘good or excellent’, and 98% gave the same rating for conference content.
“There is a hunger among road safety professionals for knowledge and ideas to reduce the collision and casualty rates caused by young, inexperienced drivers, and Young Driver Focus is helping meet this demand.
Young Driver Focus 2016 will be held on Wednesday 20 April 2016. The early bird rate for Road Safety GB and Academy members is just £75 plus VAT, and for other attendees £150 plus VAT.
The conference team is currently looking at topics and themes and is aiming to publish an outline agenda by the end of October 2015, and to have speakers and presentations confirmed before the end of 2015.
Topics and themes under consideration are:
• Around the country: a round up of young driver education, training and publicity campaigns being delivered around the UK.
• Modern methods: a look at modern methods of engaging with young drivers.
• Priorities and pointers for RSOs: a summary of the key things RSOs could/should be doing to positively influence young driver behaviour.
• Pre-driver training: does it work?
• Campaign/intervention evaluation: a step-by-step guide

Sally Bartrum, who administers the event on behalf of Road Safety GB and FirstCar, said: “The 2015 event was significantly oversubscribed and many people who attempted to book late in the day were disappointed.
“To alleviate this, for 2016 capacity has been increased to 200 delegates but nevertheless the conference is expected to sell out and anyone wishing to attend is advised to book their place as early as possible.”
Click here to register to attend, or for more information about the booking process contact Sally Bartrum on 01379 650112.
Click here for information about the exhibitor zone, or contact Richard Storrs, commercial director at FirstCar, on 0845 4747035 or 07707 564422.
For information about the agenda or to express interest in submitting a paper for the conference contact Nick Rawlings on 01379 650112.
A topic that isn’t on the list, but should be is ‘understanding the role of Dopamine in the adolescent brain’.
Duncan MacKillop. No surprise – No accident/