Updates and soundbites from Villa Park, Birmingham – the venue for Young Rider Focus 2019.
- The inaugural Young Rider Focus event
- Takes place on 6 March at Villa Park, Birmingham
- Click here to view the agenda
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15.30 – Harry Seaton, Influencer Manager, Fluential

Harry Seaton helps brands communicate with youth markets and engage them through the use of powerful social media influencers – people whom have built large audiences on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube.
Presentation: Influencers – and how they can help deliver road safety messages to young people
What is influencer marketing?
- Asking someone you trust for advice and guidance
- An influencer might have 1,000 followers or incredibly large global following
- Their audience trusts them
- There is a connection between them and their audience
- We feel as though we have a connection with them – and believe them
What can they actually do?
They are becoming very savvy with the platforms
Have more to offer than just their audience
They are great content creators (good quality video and the audience)
On smaller budgets you can get them to present videos (even if they won’t share it with their audience)
You don’t necessarily have to hand over big bucks to get them to post content
When I was in school there were loads of road safety talks but very few stood out. Someone like (influencer) ‘Will’ would catch the attention of your audience
Influencers & important messages:
Working with National Crime Agency (lots of people think influencers are only good at pushing products, but they can use their content to raise awareness of important issues as well)
Influencers starting to take more responsibility for what the deliver to their audience (if you can give them the look of social responsibility they will be keen to be involved)
They are keen to do good things in a good way (and resonate with your audience)
Three tips:
- Don’t forget what you already know – what is your end goal?
- Give them something they (influencers) can’t refuse (driving a monster truck etc)
- Instagram stories – influencers largely undervalue Instagram stories
15.15 – Debbie Huckle, Team Leader, Safety & Travel Planning, Brent Council

Debbie Huckle is the team leader for safety and travel planning at the London Borough of Brent and has 18 years of experience working in road safety.
Debbie has a keen interest in motorcycle safety, especially as the renowned Ace Café is located in Brent – and given her role as vice chair of the 2Wheels London Stakeholder Group.
Presentation: 2Wheels London
- Sales of smaller PTWs on the rise (in London)
- A vulnerable road user group
- PTW casualties: majority of rider casualties in London (between 2015-17) on bikes between 50-125cc – and aged between 25-59 years
2Wheels London:
- Managed by the London Road Safety Council on behalf of Dynamic Initiatives
- London boroughs pay to become members of 2Wheels London
- Target riders via their employers
‘A lot of the riders we are targeting don’t see themselves as riders’
- Latest news
- Rider information
- Training available
- Employers – toolkit
- Blog
Employers toolkit – set of three information leaflets
- Employers – why should employers care about riders?
- Riding in London – tips and hints to help you stay safe and legal
- Rider training – to enhance the skills and improve the safety of riders across the Capital
Set of four ‘infographics’ for sharing on social media
- Riding in London: some tips
- What to wear (and avoid)
- Rider training in London
- Maintaining your bike: some tips
Two information posters covering
- Protective clothing
- Look out for drivers when riding and filtering
Good Egg Rider Guide – an electronic guide to riding a scooter, moped or 125cc motorbike
Next steps
A set of one-minute film clips
- Top riding tips
- Riding defensively
- Understanding speed
- <spa
I wonder was there any discussion on what France has just introduced for their young people who wish to obtain an AM Licence (Moped).
Similar to the UK CBT they have introduced an extra hour to add road risk awareness. Bearing in mind that in France you can ride a moped from 14 years of age, the extra hour of road risk awareness that the “minor” undertakes it will now be mandatory for the presence of at least one of the parents of the minor.
How would that go down in the UK if a parent (legally responsible guardian) had to turn up for an hour for road risk awareness training – beneficial for a young rider and maybe beneficial for the adult?
Trevor Baird
Lots of questions, maybe to many I fear. We will have to wait and see if there are any answers or will it be in the end once again just rhetoric.