Preparations for the Festival of Road Safety are gathering pace with more than 30 sessions already confirmed, including 16 presentations in a bumper Fringe programme.
Organised by Road Safety GB, the Festival of Road Safety replaces the 2020 National Road Safety Conference and will run throughout November.
There will be something happening on each of the 20 working days in November (between 2-27 Nov), and in total the organisers are planning between 40-45 Festival events – a mix of pre-recorded presentations and podcasts, and live debates, discussion groups and workshops.
The Festival will be aired free to view by all, though pre-registration will be required for some of the live sessions.
Nick Rawlings from Stennik, the company organising the Festival on behalf of Road Safety GB, said: “The Festival website says ‘just about anything goes in the Festival fringe!’
“While that’s not quite true, fringe presentations will cover a multitude of road safety (and related) topics.”
Fringe presenters are required to produce their own video presentation, with help and guidance from the organisers, if required.
The confirmed topics to feature in the fringe programme are:
- Changing motorcyclists’ behaviour
- The inconvenient truth about mobile phone distraction
- Changing behaviour at pedestrian crossings
- Children and the roads
- Project EDWARD
- The National Young Rider Forum
- Speed enforcement
- The Road Collision Investigation Project (RCIP)
- The London Road Safety Council President’s Challenge
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNAs)
- Large scale road assessment programs
- Real Time Air Quality Monitoring
- 2021 FirstCar Young Driver Road Safety Awards
- Identifying and promoting active travel solutions
- The Engage Novice Driver Initiative
- The Pathfinder pre-licence driver development programme
Click here for more information about the Festival programme, including the fringe content detailed above.
Anyone wishing to present in the Festival fringe, or wanting more information, should contact either Edward Seaman or Nick Rawlings by email, or on 01379 650112.
There is also an opportunity for organisations to support the Festival, either by supplying a video for the Fringe showcase, or by co-sponsoring the Fringe alongside Westcotec and Jenoptik. Click here for prices or contact Sally Bartrum by email or on 01379 650112 for more information. All proceeds from the video showcase and sponsorship go to Road Safety GB.
Finally, click here to receive regular news alerts in the lead up to, and during the Festival.
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