Presentation looks at the failures of cycle infrastructure

07.44 | 8 June 2021 | |

Day two of Road Safety GB’s online cycle safety event features a presentation on a report into typical British cycle infrastructure – and how it is failing to protect cyclists.

The three-week event, titled ‘More cycling, safer cyclists: how can we make it safer for more people to cycle, more often?’, will be aired free-to-all until 25 June.

The programme comprises a mix of pre-recorded and live content including video presentations, a workshop and a Question Time session. All the pre-recorded content will be published on the programme page at 10am on its advertised day.

Dates, times and registration details for the live sessions are also available on the programme page.

Today’s offering is a pre-recorded presentation from professor Rachel Aldred from the University of Westminster.

It will outline the results from a recently completed study by the University, which was funded by the Road Safety Trust.

The study highlights a range of familiar and less familiar risk factors for people cycling. 

One of the most startling results was that infrastructure typically designated for cycling may put cyclists at increased risk. Painted cycle lanes and shared bus lanes tended to increase the likelihood of injury, compared to there being no such infrastructure. 

Cycle infrastructure separated from traffic was better, but still did not reduce risk.

On the agenda tomorrow
Wednesday sees the first live session of the event. 

The interactive workshop, facilitated by Matt Staton, Road Safety GB’s director of research, will include examples of initiatives introduced under the Emergency Active Travel Fund (EATF).

It includes presentations by:

  • Nikola Floodgate, Schemes Planning & Development Manager, Kent County Council
  • Ian Edwards, Director, New View Consultants
  • Cheryl Evans, Senior Road Safety Officer, West Berkshire Council

Topics likely to be covered in the workshop include:

  • Lessons learned from how consultation with stakeholders was managed within the short timeframes
  • Using Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders
  • Combining engagement and infrastructure measures
  • What success looks like?
  • How EATF may have influenced/or might influence future practice

The session is fully subscribed, but organisers hope to make a recording available at a later date.

Catch up
All videos published as part of the event will remain available on the programme page – for viewers to watch at their leisure – for the foreseeable future.

This includes a presentation from Nick Chamberlin, policy manager at British Cycling.

Titled ‘Roads should work for everyone – it is the time to give our streets to our children’, the presentation explains how, in Nick’s words, cars “should be guests on the majority of our local roads with drivers expected to put others ahead of their own needs”.



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