‘As a society, we need to have frank and honest conversations about what we can all do as road users, no matter how we travel, to ensure that everyone gets home safe’.
That was the message from Northern Ireland’s infrastructure minister, John O’Dowd, as he launched the ‘Road Safety Strategy for Northern Ireland to 2030’, which focuses on safe roads, safe vehicles and safe people.
The strategy, developed following public consultation and engagement, outlines ambitious road safety improvement targets to 2030.
This includes a target to reduce KSIs by at least 50% – a figure which rises to 60% for KSIs involving children (0-15 years) and young people (16-24 years).
It aims to provide a framework for government and other road safety stakeholders to establish their own road safety plans and recognises that a collaborative approach is required.
John O’Dowd said: “This strategy will set the direction for future road safety policies and actions.
“By supporting this Strategy, the executive are coming together to recognise the importance of road safety.”
An Action Plan has also been developed with road safety partners, to support the strategy. This includes 10 strategic interventions that have been identified as having the potential to create the biggest impact on road safety.
This includes a review of legislation on issues including mobile phones, drink driving and drug driving.
Aidan Jennings, Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue chief fire & rescue officer, said: “We welcome the Road Safety Strategy and will continue to work closely with our road safety partners in reducing road deaths.
“We witness first-hand the carnage on our roads. In 2023, Firefighters attended 723 road traffic collisions and rescued 201 people. As road users we all have a role to play in making every journey safe to ease the pain, loss and suffering to individuals, families and communities.”
Long on waffle -short on actions.
“development of a toolkit of interventions that aim to
improve the pedestrian environment in the vicinity of
schools. The measures aim to encourage more
people to walk, wheel or cycle to school and to feel
safe while doing so.”
How does improving the environment only in the vicinity of schools achieve that ?
Kids don’t teleport to the vicinity of the school.
Paul Luton, Teddington