The penultimate day of Road Safety GB’s online PTW event features a double header of presentations – one of which looks at a project exploring how to deliver motorcycle training in the future.
The event, titled ‘PTW Riders: improving safety and reducing collisions and casualties’, is sponsored by Devitt Insurance and got underway on 8 March.
Since then, the event website has received more than 3,500 views from road safety professionals and others with an interest in rider safety.
On the agenda today is a double header of presentations, both of which will be available to watch via the event website from 10am.
The first is from Lorraine Willis (Highways England) and Tanya Fosdick (Agilysis).
Their presentation will look at ‘Ridefree’, a young rider project designed to help the Government look at how to deliver motorcycle training in the future.
Ridefree, developed by Agilysis and Driving Research in partnership with Highways England and with the backing of the DVSA, compared four training approaches which could be used to enhance the compulsory basic training (CBT) taken by riders.
The second has been prepared by Mike Abbott MBA, Advanced Rider Coaching.
Mike’s presentation covers the likely causes of ‘loss of control’ collisions – and how they can be avoided.
On the final day
As things stand, a double header of presentations is also planned for the final day of the event.
This includes a presentation from John Furniss, young rider and driver officer, South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership/SY Fire & Rescue.
With Covid ending many of the usual ‘engagement’ routes with young riders, the South Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership decided to embrace modern technology and venture into the world of ‘YouTube’.
For the last ten months the partnership has been working with a local vlogger, Mech’It Better, to produce a series of short basic maintenance videos specifically aimed at new young riders.
The presentation discusses the ‘ups and downs’ of the ongoing project, while showing the love for 125’s!
The other presentation is set to be delivered by Peter Riley, director of Airvest Ltd.
Peter’s presentation is titled ‘An Industry which keeps doing the same things’ and looks at why airbags play such an important part in reducing motorcycle KSIs.
Catch up on all the action so far
All the action from the PTW event is available to watch on the event website.
Among the most popular videos to date are week one’s Question Time session – which took place on Thursday 11 March.
The Question Time session saw lively debate and discussion on a number of topics including whether manufacturers and retailers should do more to promote rider safety, whether the CBT is ‘fit for purpose’ – and whether further/advanced training reduces collisions and casualties.
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